How to install Linux integration Services on CentOS 6.5 on Microsoft Hyper-V Server

With the new version of CentOS (6.5) and the new version of Microsoft’s Linux Integration Services (LIS) 3.5 we don’t need to add a legacy network adapter first and then change it with a standard network adapter. This is a step by step guide for installing LIS on a Microsfot Hyper-V Server virtual machine running CentOS 6.5.

  1. Create new VM with a standard Network Adapter.
  2. Download CentOS 6.5 minimal if you want to install a server without GUI or CentOS 6.5 if you need the  server with the GUI. You can download it from
  3. Download LinuxICv3.5.iso (
  4. After the installation of CentOS is finished mount the LinuxICv3.5.iso
  5. To copy and install the Integration Services package type the following commands:

mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

cp -rp /mnt/cdrom /opt/linuxIC

umount /mnt/cdrom

cd /opt/linuxIC/RHEL63


After the installation of the Integration Services is finished you can update your network settings using VI:

vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

The settings should look something like this. To start typing just click i (insert mode):





HWADDR=(this is where your MAC address will be. You can check if it is the same as the MAC address assigned to the machine in Hyper-V)

IPADDR=(You will enter your static IP address here)

NETMASK=(Type your network mask here)

GATEWAY=(Your default gateway IP)

DNS1=(Primary DNS Server IP)

DNS2=(Secondary DNS Server IP)


You can save your file by clicking ESC and then entering :wq.

After you set up your IP address you have to bring the interface UP:

ifup eth0


ifconfig eth0 (IP) netmask (MASK) up

The last thing you have to do is restart networking:

service network restart

You can enter your DNS servers in the file /etc/resolv.conf. You don’t need to specify them in the ifcfg-eth0 file for your interface.

nameserver (Primary DNS server IP)

nameserver (Secondary DNS server IP)

If you need to add a special route for your network you can add it in a file named /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0

You can add your hostname and gateway in a file named /etc/sysconfig/network like this:


HOSTNAME=(Your hostname)

GATEWAY=(Your Gateway IP)

If you don’t need the firewall on your server you can disable it by using this commands:

service iptables save

service iptables stop

chkconfig iptables off


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1 Response to How to install Linux integration Services on CentOS 6.5 on Microsoft Hyper-V Server

  1. c1ockwork says:

    Thank you – very helpful. I was worried that the system had hung during the install of the Integration services – it took a while longer than I expected it too, but it got there! All good. 🙂

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